Ingesta s.r.o.

Responsive by design

The Zen Base Joomla template offers is a responsive, mobile friendly, device agnostic template that offers complete control over the look and feel of your website . The template has been created so that it scales effortlessly regardless of the device the user is viewing the web site on. This means that whether your visitors are mobile or stuck to the desk you and your content look good.


Powerful visual tools for determining module layouts.

The new T3 framework offers an unprecedented control over responsive layouts. Giving you the ultimate control over the width and type of modules available on 5 different screen sizes - check out the screenshots below for more.

Control the number of modules to use on a single row at the click of a button.

Using the module position layout you can control the number of modules to display in a given row.



Granular module control

T3 now offers the ability to determine the name of the module you want to use in a particular position. Don't like what we have called an item? then no problem - just change it in the module position are in the template admin.



Control the width and visibility of those modules depending on the screensize.

T3 offers the ability to specify the width and number of modules assigned to a row across a pre-defined number of common screensizes. The screenshot below shows four modules published evenly in the first grid row of modules for wide screen sizes.



Desktop / Normal Screens

The screenshot below shows the same row with the grid2 module removed and the widths of each module adjusted to create a new layout - this will only be shown on normal / desktop screen sizes.



Phone sized screens

And finally on mobile srceens the grid2 and grid3 positions have been removed and the modules that are left stretch to fill the full width of mobile screens.


Thememagic magically themes your site

thememagic1The T3 framework also offers an incredible visual tool for controlling the visible appearance of your site.

It's a LESS driven templating tool that allows you to create template styles on the fly. 

Need to change one of the preset styles but don't want to get your hand dirty? No problem ... just fire up Thememagic, change a colour setting, hit save an then you are done.

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Template Features



Zen Base is a simple, solid responsive skeleton built for Jooml 2.5 / Joomla 3.0 on the powerful T3 Joomla template framework.

It's a powerful scaffold to build your next Joomal website on and includes features such as:

  • Complete Bootstrap integration
  • Powerful templating layout tools
  • Easy colour customisation
  • Google font ready
  • Responsive layout and design
  • Multiple module chromes to display modules using the native bootstrap functions such as tabs, sliders, modals and more. 
  • A healthy array of typography and module classes using JB Type and built in styling.


Module Chrome

The Zen Base template comes with built in module style / chrome that can be used to implement core Bootstrap component functionality like tabbed layouts, sliders, modal windows and even the pop over display.


Granular control over module style

One of the key features of Joomla 3.0 is the ability to assign modules a specific module chrome.

Prior to Joomal 3.0 each module position was required to have the module style hard coded into the template. There were certain workarounds available for doing this in versions prior to Joomla 3.0 but workarounds to Joomla always come at a cost.


Assigning a new module chrome to a module.

Assigning a new module style to a module is as simple as selecting a style from the drop down list in the module manager.

1. In your module manager edit the moduel you want to assign the new chrome to.

2. Click on the Advanced options tab

3. Scroll down the page and select the module style from the select list.

4. Click apply.


Module style examples

The following module styles are available in this template.

  • zendefault - A default module chrome
  • zentabs - a tabbed interface
  • zenslider - use the module title to slide open or closed a module
  • zenmodal - Use the module title to trigger a modal window with the module content in the modal window.
  • zenpopover - Use the module title to display a tooltip / popover with the module content.

Tabbed module styles

The tabbed module style is a group of modules assigned to the same position and given the zentabs module style in the module settings. The tab triggers are populated by the module title and the tab content is the actual module content.


Click the titles below to view the contents of the module.

Slider Style

The slider module style is a group of modules assigned to the same position and given the zentabs module style in the module settings.

When there are more than one modules assigned to the same position and given the same zentab style the modules are displayed in a tabbed layout based on the core Bootstrap tab functionality. 



Click the titles below to view the contents of the module.

  • Apostolic Exposure
  • Azure Spectrum
  • Dark Vision
  • Long Apostle
  • Lower Arboretum
  • Port Campbell Sky

This is text from another custom html module given the module style - zenslider.

Module Overview


A myriad of module positions

The Zen base template has 40+ module positions.

You don't need to use all of them at the same time, but if you need a position, then it's highly likely that the Zen Base template has got you covered. More 


A collection of classes

Eleven base classes that can be combined to create an unlimited number of module classes.

Want to change the colour of a module? Easily add flavour to your layouts by adding simple to use moduel class suffixes for any of your modules. More.


Bootstrap inspired module chrome

Create modal windows, tabs, sliders and popovers out of the box

The module chrome functionality in this template provides an easy / out of the box solution for adding the core Bootstrap functionality within your  module layouts. More.

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